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Who We Are A little about us

Cassandra G

Meet Cassandra, home baker and name sake behind Goodies By Cee Gee. After several years of hosting cookie parties and over 20 years of baking specialty birthday cakes, pies, biscuits and goodies for family and friends, Cassandra decided to turn her hobby of the joy of baking into a business. From a young age, her love of baking began while watching her mom knead bread in rhythmic motions and creating biscuits with speed and finesse.

As an adult, Cassandra only now fully understands her maternal and paternal grandmothers fortitude, resourcefulness and creativity birthed out of necessity, to cook, bake and provide for their husbands and their 15 and 21 children respectively.

With pride, Cassandra continues the tradition of baking, using family recipes, created from scratch like her foremothers used to do, the only difference is she has access to modern appliances. Appliances her maternal grandmother, able bodied, spry and still baking breads up until she passed at age 100 years old, did not grow up with. Cassandra has also developed a few original creations of her own.

Cassandra’s cookbook Indulgence of the Ring Dessert Cookbook is a theme cookbook based on the book Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. This publication originally started as a class project during her final semester at Mount Saint Vincent University in 2018.

The final assignment was to submit and present a creative project based on the interpretation of the novel Lord of the Rings. Almost immediately she envisioned what recipes corresponded best with each chapter. Recipe ideas flowed easily, she took to baking and became an novice food photographer in the process.

Her professor and classmates jokingly suggested she sell her cookbook at Hal-Con.  She did not make it to Hal-Con, however she published the cookbook on Amazon. For all Lord of Rings fans and for the curious alike interested in some great food ideas and second breakfast candied bacon, check out the cookbook out at Amazon.

Dishing out delectable treats with a bit of ‘SPICE’
Women entrepreneurs excel with help from the Specialized Program in Cooking Entrepreneurship